Before I go any further, let me take a moment to say "Thank You!" to the students who take the time to respond to these surveys. The information we gather allows us to make evidence based decisions about the services we provide. Sharing the information with colleagues (by presenting at conferences, for example) allows them to help other students across the country. We really do want to know what you think - so when you see a notice about a survey, please consider completing it!
Reviewing the apps that students listed as being helpful for school work was very interesting. We asked students to share this information so that we could be aware of as many apps as possible and share them with other students.
Here are the apps that were mentioned at least 20 times:
- Epocrates
- Lexicomp
- DynaMed
- Medscape
- Blackboard Mobile
- Dropbox
- iGeriatrics
- Sanford Guide
- Skyscape
- Flashcards (ex: gflash, gflash pro, gflash+, flip cards, quizlet, flashcard machine, studyblue, flashcard+)
- Internet browser
- Micromedex
- Pregnancy wheel (ex: perfect wheel, prenatal wheel, the wheel pro, OB wheel, pregnancy calculator, birth wheel)
- Essential Evidence Plus
- Podcasts
- Evernote
- BMI tools (ex: bmi calculator, bmi tool, calculate bmi)
- Lactmed
- Blackboard Collaborate
- Calendar
- Kindle
- Skype
- STD Meister
- Pap guide
- EFM guide
- DxSaurus
- Qx Calculate
- Shots STFM
- iTriage
- BiliCalc
- GBS guide
Slides from our presentation are below, and the full paper will be published in a forthcoming issue of Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning. What apps are you using? We'd love to hear about them!